Policy Priorities

HQ Kansas Legislative Priorities
At HeadQuarters Kansas, we are committed to advocating for policies that support the prevention of suicide and the promotion of mental wellness throughout our state. Our legislative priorities, developed in collaboration with our Board of Directors and community partners, focus on key areas where we believe strategic policy changes can have the greatest impact. We actively engage with legislators, state officials, and coalition partners to monitor, educate, and influence policy decisions that affect the lives of Kansans. By working together to advance these priorities, we can create a stronger, more resilient Kansas that supports the mental health and well-being of all its residents.

HeadQuarters Kansas actively monitors, shares information, and educates legislators and state officials on the following priorities:
- Sustainable and reliable funding for the 988 Crisis and Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Increased capacity for postvention support for K-12 students
- Expanding the behavioral health workforce through various means, including new license types
- Supporting non-academic student surveys and suicide intervention in schools

In collaboration with coalition partners, HeadQuarters Kansas monitors, shares information, and educates on the following priorities:
- Opposing legislation restricting the rights of the LGBTQ population
- Supporting legislation banning the use of conversion therapy
- Promoting safe storage of firearms

HeadQuarters Kansas supports the efforts of partner organizations in advocating for the following priorities:
- Mental Health Parity
- Increased access to telehealth interventions
- Increased resources for substance use prevention and harm reduction
- Opposing criminalization of homelessness and supporting expanded housing options
- Medicaid expansion