Zero Suicide

Zero suicide is a comprehensive suicide prevention and quality improvement approach for healthcare and behavioral healthcare settings. HeadQuarters Kansas Suicide Prevention Center offers various services to support the implementation of the Zero Suicide Model including consultation, training services, and Zero Suicide tools.


The goal of Zero Suicide is to ensure all people working in healthcare settings know how to recognize suicide risk and how to respond based on the capabilities of their setting. This means that all employees from receptionists to administrators and mental health clinicians to peer supporters understand exactly what to do. In order to support this development there are a number of online modules and live training available. Visit our Training Menu Page to learn more.


Implementing Zero Suicide requires support from organization leadership and engagement from direct service staff. It is important and rewarding work, however, at times it can feel slow and complicated. Suicide Prevention Center staff are available to provide one-on-one or team consultation to start the process or implementation or provide problem-solving approaches at any phase of implementation.

Zero Suicide in Health Systems

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is the recipient of a federal grant that supports Zero Suicide in Kansas. The agency offers a plethora of resources and some funding opportunities for organizations interested in implementation.